Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wish and Will and all that...

She had never intended for things to turn out the way they did.

In fact, she had never inteded for things to become real...after all, some dreams were much better when they stayed inside your head!

But, somehow, her will and wish had gotten mixed up. Which is why she was lying in the grass, mixed up with this strong body, being thoroughly kissed by the tastiest lips she had imagined. And all the while her mind was going around in circles, partly from the nibbling that was now trailing from her mouth to her neck, and partly from trying to figure out how she could snap this fantasy off of her and back into the closet in her mind...the one reserved for loney afternoons and midnight musings.

But, did she really want to, she asked herself as her body curved up to meet the mouth that was doing delightful things at her open neckline. A neckline that, for some reason, seemed to be open to her navel! What was she thinking?! Ofcourse she had to....who knew what else her mind would let loose if she didn't quickly get on top of things. Though not being on top seemed to have distinct advantages right then!

She quickly thrust the thought aside and started pulling in her focus to one point deep inside her mind. As the fantasy, she had found herself in, slowly faded she concentrated on the glowing point and drew strength from it.

As she did, she made herself picture herself back where she was before it all happened. Back at her desk, twirling her pen, idly, as she stared out of the windeow at the sunlit park opposite.

That is how all this had started.

Only, now, she made herself turn aside and sit up straight. And she pictured pushing the feeling, previously coursing through her, behind her where she could neither see it nor feel it.
That was the tricky part...if she pushed too hard she would lose the dream entirely, but if she didn't push hard enough it would take over before she could close the door in her head....the door that lead to all her dreams.

There. She had it back under control. Breathing a sigh of relief...or was it regret?...she opened her eyes and smiled. She was back at her dull office, behind her desk, with the sun-warmed breeze floating in the window to disturb some papers. Everything was real.

Until the door opened...and he walked in, stopped in front of her with his hands on his hips, a lazy smile on his lips, a knowing glint in his eyes....she knew those lips, those hands, those eyse....she had just locked them away!

Hadn't she?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ode to an Old Friend

(Originally inked 30th August 2004)

It's been a while since we last met, Old Friend. Ah, I've missed the times we've had together. So much has happened, so much is now past, barely savored, evaporating before my eyes like the rising steam off a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

I've spent the last few years running, to keep pace with the world. A cog in the Greal Wheel. Purpose defined and pay-cheque finite. But I've now run my last race.

Now, I just stroll through Life, stopping to watch the leaves turn color, and the seasons change costume. No more late days and later nights. No more battling traffic and end of day grime. No more guilt at sleeping easy, no more indigestible dinners. No more instant coffee in a styrofoam cup, with greasy donuts, for breakfast. I missed you the most then, Old Friend!

But now, I can share the passage of time and watch the flow of day, with you by my side. How I've missed you! As I sit here, I can feel the anticipation build up, as I see you approaching, making your way through the crowd. What sweet times we shall share! How you perk my senses and bring things alive!

Ah, there's nothing quite like a cup of freshly ground, fresh-brewed Colombian coffee, topped with whipped cream, to be sipped at leisure, sipped with pleasure. Eyes closed, Senses soaring. Lifting me, filling me with a warm glow. Old Friend, there's nothing quite like you.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

It Rained

(Originally Inked - 28 February 2004)

It was going to rain.

She had heard it on the radio, when she was washing the dishes in the kitchen. She could see the breeze stirring in the leaves on the ground, in the tall branches of the trees outside her yard.

It was going to rain.

He had just read the forecast in the newspaper when he was riding the subway. He could see the papers flapping as he walked past the newsagent; the sheets that were hung from windows to dry, flapping high above the street he stood by.

It was going to rain! She could smell the damp in the air as the wind picked up and she could sense the waiting all around her as she stepped into the yard. She lifted her face, eyes closed and breathed deep; the wind mussed her hair, stray strands against her cheeks, her lips, her neck. The wind danced about her, snatching at her clothes.

It was going to rain! He closed his eyes and thought of her; she loved the rain, loved to wait for the rain. He could see her standing with a smile on her face, arms open, welcoming the wind playing about her. He could almost forget the smells of the city, of the street where he stood, as he thought of the smell of the earth getting damp, as the curtains rose and the rains came down.

She smiled, feeling the rain flow down her, softly stinging her flesh. She breathed in deep the fresh smell of the wet earth and squished her toes in the mud beneath her feet. She smiled as she greeted the first rains with the joy of a waiting lover.

He smiled, remembering the sight of her standing in the yard. He smiled as it rained on him as well.